News & Blog
Middle School Kids and the Word No
Middle school can and should be a time when kids figure out some stuff about themselves; there’s no better time to “try on things for size” to see what fits. This includes clothing and hairstyles, activities, new friend groups, music, language (sorry, mom – I don’t...
National Leadership Day February 20th, 2025
Lately I’ve been working with a lot of parents who want to learn the best way to help their tweens and teens grow their independence and leadership skills. One can’t be an effective leader of others if they are unsure of their own capabilities and unclear with their...
January – Don’t Dive In! Ease In!
Here we are, halfway through the first month of 2025! I don’t know about you but to me, January is a huge relief despite the cold we’ve had in North Carolina these past few weeks. The holiday season is always busy, fun, and for a highly sensitive person (HSP) like...
Winter Break and Managing Expectations
We’re so close to the December holidays and the start of 2025! The time just keeps speeding up somehow. Your college-age kids will most likely be home soon if they aren’t already and your younger kids will be getting a nice break. Chances are good, everyone is a...
Happy December!
Happy December! I hope your Thanksgiving was whatever you needed it to be this year. We celebrated quietly (minus the cheering for the Detroit Lions!) and it was perfect for us. This has been a very busy fall season for me, working with clients (both parents and...
Six Impactful Ways to Support Your Tween or Teen This School Year
It’s mid-July and already my clients are telling me that they are getting “Back to School” emails. Neither kids nor parents are ready since it feels like summer just started! I hope that you’ll wring every last bit of fun out of this down time but as a coach, I’m...
Human Connection
Human connection is one of my favorite subjects to discuss with teens and young adults. We are hardwired to need and want the company of others so why is it so hard for kids these days? A lot of my tween and teen coaching clients express concern about their ability to...
How is it almost 2024?
December Newsletter Post for those who aren't on the mailing list yet! I’m writing this the day after Christmas because despite my best intentions, the holiday and “end-of-year overwhelm” got the best of me in 2023 and the “Newsletter Fairy” did not show up to produce...
Happiness Starts Inside
“I was so happy when I was younger.” Who do you think said that to me recently? An elderly friend? A person facing a 40th birthday and pondering mid-life? Nope. It was a 13-year-old and my heart nearly broke. The world is her oyster, even if...
Better Family Connection in 2023
Thanksgiving was last week and if you’re anything like me, you’ve already moved on to Christmas and maybe even 2023. This time of year seems to move so much faster than the rest of the year, am I right? We are programmed to make resolutions or changes in...
An Idea as the New School Year Approaches
Let me share some adjectives and comments I get from clients and their parents. Perfectionist. Type A. Anxiety. Stressed. Effortless. Must good at everything. I can’t get anything less than an A. I have to be thin. I have to be pretty. If I could change one...
A Student’s Life in a World with Guns
Recently, the high school near my home had a “code red lockdown” which is every bit as scary as it sounds: a code red means that there is an immediate threat to the school and its occupants and that all people will be moved to safe areas and the interior...
It’s Happening Right Under Our Noses
I’ve seen girls change in the 30+ years that I’ve been teaching and in my last 4 years as a coach in the wellness industry. The confidence level has dropped, the anxiety level has risen, comparing themselves to other people has risen, and the seeming...
The Voices in Our Heads
Is there anyone out there who says mean things to themselves in their heads? Be honest! We all have some kind of running dialogue in our heads (our thoughts) and sometimes we take it to a negative place, saying super ugly things to...
What Is A Toxic Friend?
We all have that person in our life who we’ve known for a long time and have always liked spending time with…until we found ourselves realizing that things have changed and we don’t actually enjoy that person anymore. She makes us feel agitated, she...